sammy mustafa ai data scientist



Hello!! I’m a current Master’s in Biomedical Informatics student at Harvard Medical School specializing in addressing the non-mechanistic complexity surrouding mental health disorders. I recently graduated from an exciting chapter at Northwestern University, where I studied Computational & Systems Biology, Data Science, Linguistics; I also am part of the Honors Program in Medical Education (HPME) cohort, the BS/MD program with the Feinberg School of Medicine. With medical school on the table, I’m using this time to explore a breadth of opportunities where I can apply AI to untangle and address complex problems across various fields.

My research odyssey began in my high school freshman year, leading me from the precision of murine models to crafting algorithms from the comfort of my bed. My efforts have been recognized by the Regeneron Science Talent Search and propelled by a series of grants. In college, I transitioned from wet lab work to computational strategies, lifting my gaze from the lab bench to broad clinical applications. Currently, I’m applying my experience in the medical, research, data analytical fields to facilitate and develop creative approaches to the complexities surrounding healthcare.

Moreover, my technical acumen and experience in medical research have enabled me to guide and oversee the AI-driven transformation of various companies’ operations. I’ve spearheaded projects from securing venture capital for an AI-based biotech startup focused on breast cancer to expanding the application and enhancing pricing strategies for an aIoT startup optimizing industrial fluid dynamics. These ventures, outside of the typical research setting, have honed my ability to strategize and deliver high-impact, data-centric innovations akin to those I am developing.

Outside the lab, I’m all about embracing the simple joys—cycling riverside, photographing the mundane things around me, bouldering to some neo-soul, or propagating my fiddle-leaf fig and Chinese evergreen plants. Please feel free to email me any good overnight oats recipes you know of.